Sunday, February 28, 2010

While I'm living life

Our challenge for #7 was to scrap our bucket list! I didn't have a bucket list, thankfully they only required 50 things, not 100. I cheated a little though, I googled "bucket list"and found a website that had over 400 ideas. I only took a few straight from their list, but it was great for getting me thinking.
I was a little surprised at some of the things I put on my list, like being able to identify by sight and sound all the birds that visit our backyard or go spelunking (exploring a cave)...things I think would be SO COOL to do but never really seriously thought about them.
Other things I've wanted to do, but never really put my mind to doing them, like learning Spanish or playing piano better. Now that I have a real list I'm going to see how many I can cross off while I'm living life.
I can't wait to see what makes it onto Bonnie's list.
1. Read all the Newbury Award books 2.Go to California to see the Redwood forests
3.Donate 5 gallons of blood 4.Fix up my office 5.See a Broadway musical
6.Learn how to salsa dance 7.Print my first digital scrapbook album
8.Speak at a MOPS or other women’s event 9.Go to New York
10.Deepen my relationship with my husband 11.Learn to eat more vegetables
12.Go paragliding 13.Be a better steward of my time, talents and treasures 14.Climb a 14er 15.Remember to use eye cream every night 16.Own a nice camera
17.Pay off house at least 10 years early 18.Go to Germany 19.Learn woodworking
20.Study world history 21.Take voice lessons 22.Go to the Grand Canyon
23.Be able to identify by sight and sound all the birds that visit our backyard
24.Go on a mission trip 25.Drive a race car 26.Read one book a week
27.Learn how to play piano better 28.Be better about keeping up with old friends
29.Witness someone come to accept Jesus as their Savior 30.Go to Hawaii
31.Create a “thankful” journal 32.Take a self-defense class
33.Be assured that my whole family will be in heaven someday 34.Go to Yellowstone
35.Floss daily 36.Run a 10K 37.Visit the New England states in the fall 38.Go spelunking 39.Take an Alaskan cruise 40.Donate a pony-tail to “Locks for Love” 41.Go to Washington DC 42.Learn how to throw a pot 43.Publish a Children’s Book 44.Learn to speak Spanish
45.Go to London 46.Finish a scrapbook about myself 47.Be an extra on TV
48,Snorkel at the Great Barrier Reef 49.visit all 50 states
50.Watch my children grow into the people God designed them to be.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

For challenge 5 I could not find anything related to chocolate to scrap so I decided to bake chocolate chip cookies.  I'm always looking for an excuse to bake so it worked out well for me.  Plus, Colby and Jacob got a real treat because it was the first chocolate chip cookie they have ever had.  They have had so little junk food in their lives, and chocolate only once or twice, that they didn't even know what to do with the cookie:)  They each ate about half and left were "Ahh done"

Layout for challenge 6 is done

but I wanted to wait until it was checked in before I posted it...for fear I would have to go back to fix something! So without further ado, I give you....challenge 6:

Friday, February 26, 2010

Challenge 5

I've had this LO done for some time, just forgot to post it here. The challenge was to choose 6 elements out of a list of 10 provided by the host site. Then incorporate chocolate somehow. I decided to do Erica's bridging ceremony when she was becoming a "brownie". I did the layout how I wanted it and then remembered that I had to use 6 elements from the list, so I checked the list and I had 5 already in my LO!!!! Yeah me, I just needed to change the title from a font to an alpha....easy-peasy!

I maybe shouldn't get too excited...I haven't been officially checked-in by our wonderful ADSR5 volunteer, Kat, but I feel pretty good about it. So here is Erica becoming a Brownie and the second page that goes with it.

Now I need to get started on Challenge #6. Been putting it off since it has a lot of element requirements, which is a real challenge for me!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Uh Oh! Another Recipe...

We discovered in week one that my race partner cannot follow recipes:)  Well, we got another layout "recipe" this week, will she be able to complete it?  The best part about this recipe is the main ingredient is CHOCOLATE!!!  Yummy!!  Check back later this week to view our tasty layouts:)

Friday, February 19, 2010

My favorites...

We finished this week's challenges so fast we really don't have anything to blog about.  I thought it would be a good time to share some of our other non ADSR5 layouts.  I say these are my favorites, but really I had so many favorites in both of our galleries that it was hard to choose.  My favorite layout out in Stacy's gallery is called "On the Fence"
Kit used "My Guy" from Brownie Scraps
Other elements from KristenCB, Scrappin Cop, Nicole Young

and from my gallery "Peekaboo"

Used Just a Normal Day by Laura Bozeman

Have a great weekend everyone and we'll be back Sunday with Challenge #5.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Challenge 4 preview

Part of Challenge 4 was to create the ATCs and the finishing touch was to submit all 4 ATCs in one preview. So here is the preview of all four.

Don't forget to scroll down to download the mini-kit freebie Bonnie made and used in her ATC.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Another Freebie!!

Who knew that in world of digital scrapbooking there would be so much fighting and controversy...I love it!!! :) As I was reading that we had to create ATCs I was thinking, "I hope they tell me what an ATC is" and was about to grab the phone to call Stacy with hopes that she knew.  Luckily, the next paragraph contained the instructions.  Of course, I still called Stacy to discuss the challenge:)

The theme is supposed to be Valentine's/Love and I really don't have anything like that in my stash of scrapbooking kits.  However, I did a layout a few weeks ago that I wanted to have a "lovey dovey" feel and at the time I thought it would be faster to create a couple of elements to use rather than go and search for a free Valentine's kit.  So, here are the elements I created for that layout along with a couple of more that I am using for one of my ATCs.  If you use them please just mention The Scraptastics, thank you.  Here is the link, enjoy!

Challenge 4 is up...and controversial

Challenge #4 is to create 2 ATCs (Artist Trading Cards), one about something you love, and one about something your partner loves. Now I've heard of ATCs but I've never really looked into what they are, so I had to search the ATC Gallery at Digitals to even find out what they should look like. Some were very artistic with no photos at all, some were all journaling, some looked just like a mini layout.

Then I started reading some of the posts regarding the challenge and boy were some people upset about it. I however, took the open ended "there are no element, journaling, or photo requirements" to mean make an artistic LO in the specified size (2.5 by 3.5 inches), which I much prefer to "make a LO using exactly 5 of this, this and this".

To add to the fun of this challenge, this is the exact size of the name-badge mini-album I have been contemplating for my Mother's Day gifts (Mom and Marie, if you are reading this, just pretend to be surprised when you get the gift...oh wait, the fact that you get a gift at all from me will be surprising so you won't really need to pretend, now will you?)

So, I am extremely excited about this challenge. Now to get the LO to look like the image I have in my mind...that's the challenge!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Gimme Five!

Our family does some very silly things and I'm thrilled that I got to scrap one of those silly things in challenge 3.  The requirements for this challenge were to recolor a photo, journal at least 20 words, and add a date element. 

Here is my layout.

My Sweet Erica

was the subject of my layout for challenge #3. When the kids were little, I always made a page about them around their birthdays to keep track of what they were into at that time. After I stopped working on their individual albums and fell away from paper scrapping I didn't do this anymore. But I miss having those reminders of who they were "back then", so I decided that I would pick up the practice once more. Here is the first of my make-up pages. This was Erica at age 7.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Recipe for Disaster

I'll never forget when one year my mom came home from parent-teacher conferences and said the teacher had recommended that I do some baking to work on my ability to follow directions in a given order. I laugh everytime I remember this because following recipes is something I am SOOOOO horrible at...still...despite years of trying. I really need to just read the first line of a recipe and do that before I move on to reading the next line. If I get ahead of myself and try to read the whole are getting a disaster for supper!

And so it is with scrapping recipes. I tried really hard to follow the recipe challenge just as it was given, but alas this is not a strong suit for me! So of course, I screwed it up. Thank goodness we have someone checking our work and letting us know when we screw up with the opportunity to fix it.

So here is my page, I don't love the layout (the recipe was too hard), but I love the theme and I'm glad I chose it.

I hope challenge three is not a recipe! I'll let you know tomorrow.

We have officially survived the first week

We got a message from our wonderful ADSR5 volunteer, Kat, letting us know both of our challenges have been checked and we will be moving on in the race!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Freshly Baked Layout:)

I followed the "recipe" we were given in challenge 2 and here is how is turned out.

I know Stacy was working on her layout today and will be posting it in the next day or two and then we get a couple of days off before we head to our next stop. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Yippee!! Our first set of templates is ready to go. These are the layouts we did for the first challenge. See our posts below for our LOs.

You can get the templates here.

I'm finally done with challenge #1

Here is my introduction of Stacy to the ADSR5 community...

Journaling: Two of the things I admire most about my sister, Stacy, are her parenting style, and that she continually works to strengthen her relationship with God. Ive been trying to copy her since we were kids and as an adult I am proud to say that I am still trying to copy her.

Challenge one was definitely challenging, but very fun. With two boys I don't get to use a lot of pink or flowers so I was happy to have the chance to make this layout a little girlie. But, the best part was going through my box of old photos and finding some from when we were really little. This photo almost made it into my layout, but I needed a spot for some journaling and this one didn't scan well. However, I thought it was good enough to share anyway.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Challenge Complete

I did it! I finished my Layout introduction of my teammate who also happens to be my sister! What a joy to get to share some of my memories of us growing up!

Journaling: My first thought when I read this challenge was, “How do I fit a lifetime of memories on one layout?” I was three when Bonnie was born and we have been friends from the beginning. Growing up, we spent countless hours in the basement playing with our Barbie dolls.Bonnie has such a fun spirit and loves to laugh. I remember making up TV ads and talking in funny accents while we did the dishes and chasing one another with the wet dish cloth. She is passionate about the people and things she loves, especially her husband and her twins. Her faith has been strengthened by the miracles she has seen God work in her life. I am blessed to call her my sister.

Watch for Bonnie's LO coming soon. And we are working on our first set of templates to give away, I should have them ready by the end of the week (work and volunteer stuff is just getting in the way of fun this week :( So I hope you will check back to find them.

Have a fantastic day!

Challenge #2

In challenge 2 we've been given a "recipe" to follow to create our layout, very cute.  Here is the tricky part of this of our photos has to have a "5" in it.  What can I photograph that is a number 5?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Race is On!!!!

OOOOHHH!!!! I'm so excited! I just checked and the first challenge has been posted!!!!

We are supposed in introduce our partner in a layout. Sounds easy, maybe. How do you fit a lifetime of memories into one layout?

Now I just need to get through church this morning without letting my mind wander and starting to plan my layout. I hope the sermon is good today!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Four Days To Go

The Scraptastics are anxiously awaiting the kick off of ADSR5 and have been coming up with some fun ideas for our blog.

First...make sure you check back on Sunday (maybe Monday).  We have no idea where the first stop is going to be or what the challenge will include so once we find out we will for sure be blogging about it.

Second...we will be posting our layouts here as we complete them.  There are two challenges per week so we are hoping to complete our first one by Wednesday .  We don't want to get in a pinch toward the end of the week.

Third...we are planning on rewarding our blog followers with some FREEBIES!!!  We don't know for sure what we are going to do, but the planning/designing is underway.