Our challenge for #7 was to scrap our bucket list! I didn't have a bucket list, thankfully they only required 50 things, not 100. I cheated a little though, I googled "bucket list"and found a website that had over 400 ideas. I only took a few straight from their list, but it was great for getting me thinking.
I was a little surprised at some of the things I put on my list, like being able to identify by sight and sound all the birds that visit our backyard or go spelunking (exploring a cave)...things I think would be SO COOL to do but never really seriously thought about them.
Other things I've wanted to do, but never really put my mind to doing them, like learning Spanish or playing piano better. Now that I have a real list I'm going to see how many I can cross off while I'm living life.
I can't wait to see what makes it onto Bonnie's list.
1. Read all the Newbury Award books 2.Go to California to see the Redwood forests
3.Donate 5 gallons of blood 4.Fix up my office 5.See a Broadway musical
6.Learn how to salsa dance 7.Print my first digital scrapbook album
8.Speak at a MOPS or other women’s event 9.Go to New York
10.Deepen my relationship with my husband 11.Learn to eat more vegetables
12.Go paragliding 13.Be a better steward of my time, talents and treasures 14.Climb a 14er 15.Remember to use eye cream every night 16.Own a nice camera
17.Pay off house at least 10 years early 18.Go to Germany 19.Learn woodworking
20.Study world history 21.Take voice lessons 22.Go to the Grand Canyon
23.Be able to identify by sight and sound all the birds that visit our backyard
24.Go on a mission trip 25.Drive a race car 26.Read one book a week
27.Learn how to play piano better 28.Be better about keeping up with old friends
29.Witness someone come to accept Jesus as their Savior 30.Go to Hawaii
31.Create a “thankful” journal 32.Take a self-defense class
33.Be assured that my whole family will be in heaven someday 34.Go to Yellowstone
35.Floss daily 36.Run a 10K 37.Visit the New England states in the fall 38.Go spelunking 39.Take an Alaskan cruise 40.Donate a pony-tail to “Locks for Love” 41.Go to Washington DC 42.Learn how to throw a pot 43.Publish a Children’s Book 44.Learn to speak Spanish
45.Go to London 46.Finish a scrapbook about myself 47.Be an extra on TV
48,Snorkel at the Great Barrier Reef 49.visit all 50 states
50.Watch my children grow into the people God designed them to be.